EHU Seeks Support to Erect a Monument to Francysk Skaryna

The European Humanities University plans to erect a monument to Francysk Skaryna, a distinguished Belarusian scholar, printer, and humanist of the 16th century. This project aims to honor the memory of this pioneering printer and his invaluable contribution to the development of education and culture in Eastern Europe. Legacy of Francysk Skaryna Francysk Skaryna is…

Krakow-Prague: the journey continues

This year, researchers and educators from EНU, Alexander Kolbasko, Sergey Сharevsky, and Alexey Lastovsky, continued their work on the «Cultural Path of Francysk Skaryna» project. On the third day of their scientific journey, participants were greeted by the city of Olomouc, rich in architectural landmarks and temples. Joining the group of researchers was Pavel Kotov,…

Skaryna’s Path: Krakow-Prague

The latest news from the expedition of researchers and lecturers from EHU, Alexander Kolbasko, Sergey Сharevsky, and Alexey Lastovsky, on the way from Krakow to Prague as part of the project «The Cultural Path of Francysk Skaryna». The participants began their journey from the main building of Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Collegium Novum, which now…

EHU prepared the course “The Personality of Francysk Skarina in the Context of the European Renaissance”.

The course was created by professors of the Bachelor’s program “European Heritage”, initiators of the project “The European Cultural Path of Francysk Skaryna” Professor Alexander Kalbaska and famous art historian Sergey Charevsky, as well as experts of the project “University Without Borders” The aim of the course is for students to acquire knowledge on the…

How did EHU students end up in the Vilnius University Library?

On October 20, 2022, fourth-year students Antonina Kamelchik (bachelor’s program in ‘European Heritage’) and Roman Gankovich (bachelor’s program in ‘Visual Design’) organized a tour of the Vilnius University Library for first-year students at EHU. The tour was led by Veronika Girininkaitė, a librarian from the Manuscripts Department, whom the senior students met during the Summer…

The film «The Garden of Skaryna» was presented at EHU

У канцы чэрвеня на этапе Вільня–Кракаў завяршылася другая экспедыцыя ў складзе прафесара Аляксандра Калбаскі, выкладчыка Сяргея Харэўскага і даследчыка Аляксея Ластоўскага ў межах праекта «Культурны шлях Францыска Скарыны». Гэтым незвычайным маршрутам Кракаў–Люблін–Вільня Скарына ўпершыню праехаў узімку 1504 года. Пасля Кракава, дзе першадрукар вучыўся ў славутым універсітэце і атрымаў ступень бакалаўра вольных мастацтваў у 1506 годзе,…

Expedition in the Footsteps of Francysk Skaryna

At the end of June, the second expedition as part of the «Cultural Journey of Francysk Skaryna» project concluded on the Vilnius-Krakow route, led by Professor Alexander Kalbaska, lecturer Sergey Charevsky, and researcher Alexey Lastovsky. This unique Krakow-Lublin-Vilnius route was first traveled by Skaryna in the winter of 1504. After Krakow, where the pioneering printer…

days of Francysk Skaryna started in Vilnius

On November 12, the days of Francysk Skaryna started in Vilnius

The Belarusian diaspora of Vilnius gathered by a commemorative plaque with a bas-relief of the first book printer: representatives of Belarusian communities, EHU students together with faculty members Siarhej Chareuski and Aliaksandr Kalbaska, pupils of the Belarusian Skaryna Gymnasium in Vilnius with teacher Valentina Kovalchuk and many other guests and passers-by. The ceremony was opened…